Speaker Details

Here are different versions of my bio. Choose the length that fits your purposes best.



Sasstronaut and Front-End Architect

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Mina Markham is a Sass-lovin' front-end architect known for teaching code, wearing pink and baking cupcakes.

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Mina Markham is a Sass-lovin' front-end architect in Brooklyn, NY. As a developer at Hillary for America, she specializes in building responsive applications and modular CSS architecture. When she's not coding, Mina is probably in her kitchen baking something chocolatey.

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Mina Markham is a Sass-lovin' front-end architect in Brooklyn, NY. She's actively involved in the tech community, founding the Dallas chapter Girl Develop It, teaching for Black Girls Code and organizing Front Porch. As a developer at Hillary for America, she specializes in building responsive applications and modular CSS architecture. Mina has presented at various conferences and events, including Front-End Design Conference, Distill, O'Reilly Fluent and Collision. When she's not crafting sites or teaching others, Mina is probably in her kitchen baking something chocolatey.

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I will not speak at a conference without a valid and enforceable code of conduct.

Current Headshot

Photograph by Marco Sierra
